David Thevenin

Transition Animation module

is a set of components and functions that allows the developer to create complexes animations.

This study do not aim to replace CSS Animations.

Its goal is to proposes:

The module is based on tree main classes:
The object model and APIs were strongly influenced by this public work.

Simple example

The next graph shows how to animate the size of a view.

// elements for your animation
var chrono = new vs.ext.fx.Chronometer ({repeat: 10, duration: 3000}).init ();
var traj = new vs.ext.fx.Vector2D ({values: [[100, 100], [220, 50], [100, 100]]}).init ();
var view = new vs.ui.View ({id: "my_view"}).init ();   

// connect your components within the default dataflow
.connect ("tick").to (traj, "tick")
.connect ("out").to (view, "size");

// build the default dataflow
this.buildDataflow ();

// start the animation
chrono.start ();

The helper "vs.ext.fx.createTransition" allows to create a full animation with only one call.

Attach an animation to a property

This demo shows how to instrument a component property.
On the property change, the value is animated along a trajectory.

Write (or copy) a text into the textarea. On blur event the text is animated.

// options for the animation
var options = {
trajectory: new StringTrajectory ().init (),
duration: 1000

vs.ext.fx.attachTransition (this.label /* component */, "text" /* property name */, options);


This demo shows how to use PAR or SEQ to mix animations

This demo is based on the Zanimo demo Circles: https://zanimo.us/
Credits @peutetre Zanimo

Click on following buttons to pause, start or reconfigure the animation.

Newton's cradle

This simple demo shows a Newton's cradle, with 2 sequential animations, and a pace that simulates the physics.

Click on following buttons to pause or start the animation.


This more complex demo simulates the Thinglist application.

List items opening and the settings menu are animated.